For a deeper dive into the digestive system and how it can affect the whole body, telehealth consultation appointments are now available allowing patients to connect virtually with renowned Board-Certified Colorectal Surgeon, Dr. Anna Toker.
To sign up for a telehealth consultation please fill out the form below. Someone from the office will reach out to you to schedule an appointment.
Please call us for an appointment at 972-914-2561
Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm, CST
This mini program is designed to help you optimize your time and cleanse your body of toxins, significantly enhancing your overall quality of life. It offers practical tools and valuable tips to support your health goals, building on the foundation laid out in my GUT CHECK program.
Imagine a master switch within your body that governs every facet of your well-being. Understanding how to identify, operate, and control this switch is crucial, and this program serves as your guide to mastering it. Take the first step towards a healthier, more balanced life by exploring this mini program. Click the button below to learn more.
Contact Information
120 N. Miller Rd, Ste. 100
Mansfield, TX 76063